are Oracle Alerts?
Oracle Alerts monitor your Database information and notify you
when the condition that you have specified is found. You can define Alerts in any
Oracle application or custom Oracle application.
1. Periodic Alerts
2. Event based Alerts.
Event Based Alerts:
These Alerts are fired/triggered based
on some change in data in the database.
Periodic Alert:
These Alerts are triggered hourly,daily, weekly, monthly or yearly based on your input.
What can be done with Alerts?
- You can send notifications
- You can send log files as attachments to notifications
- You can call PL/SQL stored procedures.
- You can send approval emails and get the results.
- Print some content dynamically
2. Define Application Name, Alert name and then select periodic alert tab.
3. And Define Frequency of the alert, Start time, End time, and place your query in query area.
4. Click Verify button to verify the sql query and Run button to run locally to check whether it is working or not.
5. Click Action button and provide action name.
6. Click Action Dtails and provide the email id to whom it should send and subject, body.
7. Save you changes and check the alert.